Paperless: Day 2a

As I was taking a few minutes and surfing what is the world wide web, I stumbled across this handy little piece of information.  Not actually realizing the true cost until it was placed in front of me in brilliant, vivid color on my computer screen, but going paperless is going to cut significant operational costs!  I mean seriously, I don’t want to have the very unfortunate circumstance of being in a bad accident and having to be told, ‘I’m very sorry Chris.  You need blood, badly.  However the hospital is out of funds to get blood from the blood bank.  I know that because of this thirty-seven page document I had the nurse print out just prior to walking in here.’

Something else worth noting, take a peek at where Red Bull and bottled water come in.

Paperless: Day 2

As I move into the afternoon of day two of my paperless journey, I discover that while I thought this was going to be easy, turns out that I was incorrect.  I mean, everything that happens around the office is on paper.  And, let’s face it, there are people that print stuff just to make the walk from their desk to the printer.  Oh, and when they get there, they look at it and say, ‘oh shit, i printed the wrong document!’  C’mon, really?  I love wandering around aimlessly, starved for conversation just as much as the next guy, but do we really need to obliterate a forest in the process just to be used as a conversation starter?  You know what?  Here’s a suggestion to the extreme tree-killers, get a fuckin’ Kindle!  It reads pdfs!  Just send your document to your Kindle and you’re good to go.  You can highlight and make notes as needed.  Granted you can’t write on it, which would be amazing and would make it the perfect device, but you can write you notes and stuff using the built in keyboard.  Just saynin’.

Paperless: Day 1

Today was the day that I proclaimed to the hills that I’m going paperless for the month, save the bathroom.  However, with today being over I have succeeded in my goal of no paper, thus far.  I didn’t print off any emails, attachments or web pages.  Though I must admit, I did get emailed a multipage script today and it was really difficult to not simply hit ‘print’ and view a hard copy.  And taking notes; I haven’t actually typed notes in a meeting in, well, ever.  I’ve always had a notepad and just scribbled down what was happening around me.  I use a Wacom tablet throughout the day when I’m editing and working and did do a little experimenting with the tablet and Ink in the Apple OS; going to take some getting used to if I really want to write out notes instead of type them.  That is the best alternative that is out there right now.  I’m hearing all of these rumors about the forthcoming Apple Tablet.  What would be really cool is if there was an app that would let you write on it and save notebooks for different clients/projects.  Then I’d be able to view them page by page and/or save them as pdf’s and email them to co-workers etc.  Anyway, day one down, no paper used.